
At first glance, his garments appear to be repetitious basics, like loose-knit vests, tee dresses and scarves. But you'll be amazed at the versatility made available through the unusual and original garment construction. Everything drapes and hangs around the figure just as you'd like it to. (I think I may have actually spent half an hour trying on a fawn shawl as a poncho, dress, skirt, neckpiece, scarf and hooded...thing.)

After a brief chat, he revealed that he takes cue from the Japanese Masters - Issey Miyake/Yohji Yamamoto and mentored under Jenny Kee/Linda Jackson. Enough Said.

Anna Plunkett, Jenny Kee, Luke Sales and Linda Jackson


Issey Miyake Fall rtw 2010

Yohji Yamamoto Fall rtw 2010

I can't find pictures of Trung's stuff on the shiterenet, but go check out the dark green lapin neck warmer and wrap coat. You won't regret it, I promise.
